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Reads and Thoughts

Ola! I'm one of those crazy girls who is overly addictive to books and reading. I'm weird around books and tends to read them abnormally fast. And I'm a hopeful romantic who is a firm believer of Happily Ever Afters.
Stripped - Jasinda Wilder A virgin stripper - a contradiction right?

The striking cover and blurb makes me fall in line with the other waiting for it. The first Jasinda Wilder book I have read [b:Falling Into You|17448960|Falling Into You (Falling, #1)|Jasinda Wilder|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1363055080s/17448960.jpg|24333050] left me wanting for more making me excited for her upcoming books but I don’t know, I don’t know what happened here. All my expectations with this book seemed to crush.

The ”Virgin Stripper” contradiction and the ”The student stripping away to pave her way to college” was a very unique plot for a story. It’s a new twist of story for me but I guess it doesn’t lived up on how I was expecting it to be – I was expecting it to lean away from the typical flow of the New Adult stories but when the Preacher's daughter, virgin, sheltered, innocent meets movie star, gorgeous, sexy, hot was mentioned that’s the moment I know that things will go definitely as the other NA stories goes and it was tad disappointing. Everything comes out predictable and cliché and was done EXACTLY as to how others are done.

Another thing is that lot of things should've happened but it feels like it solely focuses on the romance part of the hero and heroine forgetting all those miniscule info on the side of it.

Details like Grey's relationship with her parents and It doesn’t seem to give us a glimpse of Dawson's personal life.

I made a habit of not easily judging books (especially NA) when I haven’t reached the end of it hoping that somewhere along the way something new would come out of its story and reading Stripped is not any different; I’m honestly keeping my fingers crossed that maybe somewhere beneath the pages something unpredictable would come out but No-Nada.

Character Wise – I have no problems with them. Grey was a character that is pretty much easy to understand. The circumstances that brought her into stripping and the desperation she felt in needing money to stay in school. She’s a very strong-willed woman! Dawson on the other hand was such a sweet guy. His character was a contradiction. The chemistry between these two is undeniable and I like how the author gives us a description of them as raw as we can get. The little thing here is that things progressed quickly for them that I find myself questioning why Dawson is even attracted to Grey immediately. Well, nvm.

Overall, in was an okay story it just didn’t work that well for me – too much romance I guess. But this will not keep me from reading Jasinda Wilder’s other works, will surely still look out for it.